Vincent Daoud

Vincent Daoud

“My passion for music has no limit.” These words aptly describe how Vincent Daoud projects himself into the artistic life. Described as a shapeshifter, with an appetite for risk, Vincent can be heard in various eclectic and ambitious projects. In recent years, you might have met him at concerts of improvised music, performances based on the poetry of Mahmoud Darwish, during studio sessions for the recording of various artists of rap and soul music, in orchestras as a bassoonist, saxophonist at concerts of Arabic music with the oud player Marcel Khalife, or as a soloist at the head of classical orchestras.
Accustomed to interdisciplinary projects, collaborations include performances with dancers, actors, painters and circus performers. Also passionate about the creative process itself, he works closely with many composers for the creation and dissemination of a new repertoire designed to include the saxophone. For this purpose, he has had the opportunity to collaborate closely with some of the leading figures of modern music field such as Georges Aperghis, Pierre Boulez, Matthias Pintscher, Chaya Czernowin, Beat Furrer, Heinz Holliger to name just a few.


Vincent Daoud has played in most of the countries in europe as well as in Canada, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Qatar, Lebanon, Morocco, Martinique, Switzerland, USA, Thailand, Tunisia and Singapore. He is regularly invited to lectures / masterclasses, including at Harvard University (USA), University of Alberta, University of Victoria (Canada), Mahidol University, Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), Tzlil Meudcan Summer Course (Israel), Conservatory of Kami (Japan), Nanyang University (Singapore).


As a soloist, Vincent is regularly invited to appear at the head of orchestras for the performance of concerti for saxophone. Most notable amongst them is the world premiere of composer Chaya Czernowin’s “Blind radiance”, with the Bern Symphony orchestra in 2011 at the «Culturescape» Festival in Switzerland.


Other performances include appearances in Doha-City with the Qatar philharmonic orchestra, in Switzerland with the orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne and orchestra Arcadia, and in British Columbia, Canada, with the University of Victoria orchestra. In 2013, Vincent made his debut concert in Singapore, after being invited for a recital and masterclass by the Nanyang University. In 2015 will be the world premiere of a new piece written for saxophone and orchestra by composer Alfons Karl Zwicker, «Unter dem Grabhügel», along with St. Gallen symphony Orchestra (CH).


He is the artistic director of the brand new ensemble APORIA SURVIVAL KIT (Maarten Stragier, guit, Vincent Daoud, sax, Tom de Cock, perc, Nicolas Crosse, dbass), whose works and projects are focused on the collaboration with composers and performance of new music written for the quartet.


Vincent Daoud has appeared in major contemporary music festivals in europe and collaborates regularly with modern music ensembles (Ictus, Nikel, Contrechamps, Collegium Novum, NeC, 2e2m, Vortex …) and orchestras (Tonhalle Orchester Zürich, Orchestre de la Suisse Romande, Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne, Geneva Chamber orchestra, Orchestra de le Svizzera Italiana, Baselkammerorchester…)
He graduated from the Conservatory of Boulogne-Billancourt (prof. Jean- Michel Goury), Lausanne (prof. pierre-Stéphane Meugé), Berne (prof. Georges Aperghis, Françoise Rivalland and pierre Sublet) and attended bassoon classes with paul Riveaux (ensemble Intercontemporain) in paris and conducting classes with Domingo Garcia Hindoyan in Geneva.


Vincent Daoud also teaches saxophone at the Ecole Sociale de Musique in Lausanne, Switzerland, where he founded the saxophone class 7 years ago and where 19 students currently learn under his guidance. Besides his musical activities, Vincent holds a Bachelor of Arts in political Science at Lausanne University and just started a Master degree in social sciences.